
We are hausgemacht and are active in Vienna. We currently have 52 active members who either do music, awareness, IT, graphics or organization.

Some members even take on multiple tasks. Because we are passionate about making Vienna a better & more open place and organizing events with the guests - hopefully you too - instead of for them. Since we are organized on a non-profit and grassroots basis, a lot of our work is voluntary work. And as is the case with volunteer work: It is characterized by idealism and values. It would be great if you would share our values with us!

Our values

We see ourselves as feminist and anti-racist. It is important to us that SAFER Spaces for FLINTA*-Create, retain, and protect people. We like to go the extra mile for that and would rather be too strict than too lax at the door and at the party itself. We are against any form of discrimination against LGBTQI people and not just because some of us are fruity. We also celebrate body acceptance: We have room for every body, regardless of shape and shape.

Die Music of our hearts is techno and all types of it. Not only that: At our events, we like to promote local artists who share, support or even live by our values. This means that you will never see a famous DJ from abroad with us, but many collectives, associations and organizations that create lighting, decoration, videos, music and other art. We are of the opinion that we can only create great & high-quality events together.

As mentioned, we are a nonprofit association - We therefore carry out association work in our free time. We are also organized in a grassroots democratic way - it is important to us that each member has one vote and not one person determines the others. By the way, this is also incredibly important to us at events: We always try to organize on equal terms, take your feedback seriously and create magical evenings for all of us only with your help. Because our guests are making up the atmosphere - so hopefully you will soon too.

Our events

We host three types of events, with each event living and upholding our values. At all events, you will find our DJs (i.e. techno music), our awareness and, very often, a selection at the door. By the way, we don't select to annoy you and make it exhausting for you, but to ensure that the night or day is magical and safe for all guests. Please don't take it personally if we turn you away. We are also not infallible and a strict door often means an assessment within a few minutes.

We have recurring event formats and in the text of each event you will find information about what type of event it is, but also information about whether the location is barrier-free & which DJs are playing.

So that next time you know where you're going, here’s a short definition:

Techno Partys

We select here depending on the size of the party and pay particular attention to your values and personality. Sexual acts are not allowed at these parties, but you can come in whatever outfits you can think of. Sometimes we have theme parties, and the motto is never meant as a compulsion but as a fun way to live your creativity. What we want here is to focus on our incredibly talented musicians (we actually always want them).

Body Neutrality-PArtys

A perfect party for all incoming, curious but perhaps even shy guests. Here you can wear sex positive outfits, but decide for yourself the level of nudity. In addition, there are so-called “darkrooms” at these parties - i.e. separate spaces in which sexual acts are welcome. However, sexual acts are not welcome outside the darkroom, which means that no guest is confronted with sex unintentionally. The selection is a bit more precise here, as a place where we get rid of street clothes together - even just to dance to our techno - must be a place that feels safe for everyone.

Sex Positive-Partys

That's probably why you're here, isn't it? Now you know that we're much more than just “coming together.” At our sex positive parties, sex is okay in the dark room but also outside - here, together with you, we are positive about sexuality. Most of the time, we still define “sex free” zones so that you can relax and retreat. Our selection process is the strictest here. Whether you apply online or try the box office: In any case, we will want to make sure that you share and know our values, but also enjoy listening to the music. We also take a close look at the outfit: Since some guests come very naked, it is important to us that they do not feel uncomfortable due to overdressed guests. When in doubt, wear less rather than more!

And you?

If our values sound good to you, you are interested in our music and this text has put more hearts than question marks in your eyes, we would love to welcome and get to know you at our events. As I said: Only together can we create magical evenings, hold SAFER Spaces and have fun together. We welcome every guest who wants to help shape our utopia for a night (or day).

As much as we cry about it, of course not everyone is as minded as we are. Misconduct will result in exclusion from the event or our parties. Any actions that are contrary to our values, psychological, verbal and physical violence, any type of assault and any disruption to SAFER Spaces may result in immediate exclusion. If we address misconduct with you and there is lack of understanding, this will result in immediate expulsion.

It is important to us that you do not harm others but also not yourself. If you can't remember half of our event, that's not only extremely unfortunate but also potentially dangerous for you and others. Take care of yourself and treat yourself as if you were your best friend.

See you soon!

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