Separee logo
21-06 Uhr
Datum TBA
@ The Loft 1160

A small adjoining room for undisturbed [intimate] gatherings. At the same time, an endless space for expeditions, pleasure and diversity. A safe space for people who have the right vibe and want to spend an unforgettable night together. A charming awareness team is with you in the background and is always there for you when you need it. Laisser-faire and consent merge into an ecstatic climax.

This time we'll seduce you into a magical masquerade where no one has to hide. Unless it's intentional.


SeX Positive

The concept of sex positive is about the idea that all bodies, whether female, male, inter, trans, non-binary, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual or even asexual, have a place to celebrate, to develop and to be able to express themselves.

Sex positivity means viewing all consensual sexual activity as positive, stands for meaningful and comprehensive education about consensus, sex and safe sex, and for treating ourselves, others and our bodies with respect. With our parties, we not only want to create a place to celebrate, but also such a place of freedom and development. For this purpose, there will also be retreat options — darkrooms and cuddles. As mentioned earlier, the focus here is on consensus and respect; people are not free to be groped at and stared at. We all want to have a great and enriching experience this night.


Sexual acts are accepted at this party. Our awareness team (possibly also the cash desk) has condoms, educational material and lubricant with them. As already mentioned, Sex Positive means above all the acceptance and celebration of one's own body and sexuality — sex is not the central topic, but there are places where you* can live it out. But please don't confuse the party with a swingers club or a one-night stand-Tinder market. It's still about the music, just in a different context

The séparée (a.k.a cuddly corner) will be supplied with condoms, disinfectant spray and paper towels.

Don't plug in condoms for use at home - you are also welcome to bring your own to the party (NO, WE DON'T HAVE ANY OVERSIZED buses!). Disinfectant spray should also be returned to its original location.


Before you can explore the location and the séparée yourself in the evening, there will be a small vibe check at the entrance in the form of a selection. This is not intended to represent an audit situation, but primarily serves to ensure that all guests have understood the concept and have dealt with the values of homemade. Should you still want to read a bit more carefully, have a look at our homepage or social media channels.

dress code

Admission is only possible with a dress code: please understand that; we want everyone who appears in accordance with the sex positive concept to feel really comfortable. Please bring a bag for your outer clothing, purse, etc. — you don't have trouser pockets in underwear!

hausgemacht invites you to a colorful masquerade ball in the loft's séparées. Cover your face with the most creative masks and dress your body in the most colorful fabrics your wardrobe has to offer. This time we want to move away from the monotony of black leather armour and monochrome underwear and towards a pompous, colorful spectacle.

Outfits that are exclusively in black will unfortunately not be available this evening. So feel free to add colorful accessories and be sure that you can't go wrong with at least 50% colorful (max. 50% black). Explore all the colors of the rainbow not only in the séparée, but also in your closet. Colourful masks, unusual tops (and bottoms: :^)) and accessories of all kinds are welcome and help you make a lasting impression when choosing. We look forward to making the party shine with you in all spectral colors.

The dress code excludes any type of colorful Lingerie & Lingerie, Kink, Patent & Leather, Latex, Fetishes, Costumes & Uniforms**, Vinyl & PVC, Shibari and Nudity & Body Painting. In short: Anything that underlines and also caresses your sexual nature.

**Costumes and uniforms must not contain a political statement or be part of the emergency response organization.

Since the clothing spectrum is as diverse as the sexuality spectrum, the door or awareness team decides on a case-by-case basis.

Swimsuit, bikini, swimsuit, and no: not even a Borat costume
jeans/shorts and sports bra (w*)
scarce clothes from “normal” stores (w*)
long legge/ long leg leather clothes
standard boxer shorts (m*), and no: also no combination of underpants with braces and/or bow ties
Combination of underpants with kimonos
“funny” underpants (e.g. elephants, dress underpants.)
classic camouflage outfits.
street clothes or casual wear (m*&w*)
Toga, caftan, bathrobe
Suit, onesie/jumpsuits
Light of any kind (due to risk of confusion with our awareness team)

Photo ban

There is a strict ban on filming and photography (even in line)!

If we notice at the party that the cameras on your cell phone are not taped, this will result in an expulsion

Please really stick to it, the reasons are obvious. Don't take pictures, not even the beautiful decoration or yourself. We take this rule very seriously and don't hesitate to kick people out the first time we break it. Tape off your cell phone camera (s) at home and help us reduce waiting times for everyone. Stickers are available from the awareness team in the entrance area for cellphones that have not been masked.


PRESALE 30€ per capita and sexy nose


⬆️ Topspace (House)
🔄 Séparée (😏)
⬇️ Subspace (Techno)


Minimum age:
18 years

We will try to achieve the most balanced possible ratio of open people. If you're planning to show up later, it's good not to meet your girlfriend* inside, but to line up with her directly. We don't want to exclude anyone, but to make sure that everyone (especially FLINTA*) feels comfortable at this party. So please understand if you're not allowed in. This has nothing to do with your character or appearance, but with the prevailing atmosphere inside and the crowd that is already there. We want everyone inside to really have fun.


After moving, the awareness team is ready to decide in the final instance whether your outfit fits. Of course, we want to see kinky outfits at a kinky party. And to bring more color to the club, we would like a maximum of 50% of your outfit to be black.

Please don't argue with us.

If you don't feel comfortable with the above guidelines, this party might not be the right place for you.


As many of you know, dressing is the biggest challenge of this evening. Please help us to keep waiting times as short as possible for everyone: bring an extra bag for your outdoor clothes, put on the outfit under street clothes and stop staying there after dropping off.

Safer space

The disrespect for which we exclude reported people is often also shown towards the collective. That is why we take great care not to allow such individuals to re-enter.

Falsified identities are reported immediately and without exception.

❤️ Dear FLINTas, thank you so much for reporting toxic people that no one definitely wants at this party. We will always choose your safety.

This party is our heartfelt project and we are trying very hard to make everything go well for everyone. However, this depends not only on our work, but also on you as guests*. Please be friendly and respectful to each other BEFORE you arrive, as we have had the pleasure of getting to know you so far ❤️

Women with fairylights


There is a large awareness team that looks after the well-being of all guests. These people are marked with fairy lights.

The awareness team is not a moral police — you are adults and are fundamentally responsible for yourself, as in all other areas of your life. We trust in your respectful treatment of one another and appeal to your civil courage: If you observe a situation that you are not sure whether it will take place with the consent of everyone involved, ask questions!

Our long-term heart's desire is that sexualized assaults and other forms of discrimination never happen in the first place — until that happens, our awareness team acts as a point of contact in case of any kind of discomfort

Please don't hesitate to contact us if:

You are being harassed yourself or you see someone being harassed

We are happy to resolve the situation together or alone and do not hesitate to kick out abusive people or exclude them from future parties.

You want to have safe sex but don't have any utensils with you.

We are happy to provide you with the appropriate equipment free of charge.

You feel uncomfortable with any other situation and would like to discuss it.

We take time for you to understand and solve your concerns.

You've had a little too much yourself or see that others have had too much.

We are happy to provide assistance and try to find a solution so that you or the person concerned receives professional care or comes home safely.

You think that the club or the organizers should know something urgently.

We are happy to collect and share this information.

This is how you find us:

The awareness team, consisting of collective members and volunteers, is on duty all night and can be recognized by the bright fairy lights.

Our welcome committee is ready in the cloakroom area to introduce you to the rules of the evening and answer initial questions.
In addition, glowing awarenesses dance through the party crowd throughout the evening. Talk to them if something is on your mind, together we can create a safe space for everyone.
In addition, our awareness people at Séparée ensure that it is not occupied by unpleasant people and that interactions are consensual even in places of retreat. Please treat our séparée representatives with the utmost respect and don't start arguing around with them!


Pocket in which you can put your outerwear at the cloakroom
Small bag/pouch for your wallet & other odds and ends (you don't have trouser pockets in underwear)
Comply with dress code
Read the concept/dresscode/details carefully — you will be asked about this. Anyone who is not familiar with philosophy won't get in
Tape off cell phone camera (s)
Respectful treatment & consensus
Bring an official photo ID

Any more questions?