Afterworkout #3 hosted by Valentin Martins
How do you say? A monkey in a suit is still a monkey 🐒 Since or because the eggs & milk cost 4 euros, many of us spend most of our time answering emails and sitting in meetings. Sounds fun? Not anyway. 💰
Time to channel your inner student and apprentice and infuse yourself with a bit of zest for life during the week. How? With good music, nice people and great drinks. 🍹
Whether you want to spend every 4th Thursday of the month doing dance workouts, real life Tinder aka “networking” or betting is up to you. Our DJs, cool blondes and especially new sounds & talents from Vienna will help you.
Everything is allowed with us, except bullshit-words: Our musical Jour Fixe scales to the heart and not in Excel.
Fitness subscription 8€
Welcome shots while supplies last!
1900-2100 Miss BunPun (DJ Set)
2100-2300 Momo Taro
2300-0100 Law
0100-End FTTR