Afterworkout #7
Afterworkout round 7 on 31.08. — hosted by Roman
📖 The cloak of silence sometimes covers the fact that you like afterwork with techno. But this time it disguises itself as a literary cultural event that you can also tell colleagues and parents about. 📖
Don't be afraid, the reading is short and likely painless. Then it makes room again for what we love the pony farm for: the well-known “one beer” and awesome boards.
🎶 Sound of the night 🎶
Roman's lovely voice + techno in various forms
Admission: 8€ — including Welcomeshot to catch your breath!
(As long as supplies last.)
Workout for brain and hips! Show up or you'll cry. We are looking forward to seeing your beautiful faces! 💞 💞 💞
Graphics by @anniherzer
❤️🔥 Line-Up ❤️🔥
19:00-20:00 Kreta
20:00-21:00 Lesung Roman
21:00-22:30 Sophie Palaz
22:30-00:00 Krawallo
00:00-02:00 Lola Rex
02:00-04:00 BRUDERZUCKER